8 Week Weight Loss Program With a Registered Dietitian

To schedule your appointment, email us at:
Or call 323.371.5556

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We can't wait to meet you.

Included in the program:

in our Studio City office, where the focus is YOU: Your challenges, your concerns, and a dietary strategy that suits your style. We'll take weight and body-fat measurements, and provide a complete assessment of your medical history.

When it comes to your weight, management begins with measurement. We'll use a state-of-the-art indirect calorimeter to measure the amount of calories you truly burn in a day.

Our master class in nutrition. Each e-mail is chock full of key weight loss principles and useful, everyday tips. Copy and save them for lifelong reference.

Each week we'll give you tasks to accomplish - practical tools to help cement the principles we've discussed.

An eye-opening tutorial through the aisles of your local supermarket, where your dietitian will teach you how to shop smarter.

  • Seven In-Person Visits
  • Metabolic Test
  • Daily Emails
  • "Try This at Home" Assignments
  • Grocery Tour

Read a few comments from a current RenDezvous client:

"I noticed a significant difference after the cleanse week. It was like my abdominal muscles appeared out of nowhere!

"Daily emails, daily emails, daily emails!! I say this in almost every weekly summary, but I can't emphasize enough the important role that this regular input plays in my efforts to make permanent changes to my health style. I thrive on that information!

 -- Sue B.

Only $699.

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